Archive for the 'Culture' Category

In Praise of the Elephant Girls

March 16th, 2008

“When an elephant is in trouble, even a frog will kick her.” - Hindu Proverb

1. Strength
Among the first things noticed about an elephant girl is her incredible strength. She can shoulder the burdens and carry the weight of many human experiences, and do so with dignity, even when her threshold for pain is [...]

Poison not Just in the Neglect, but in the Cliches

March 10th, 2008

Poverty is Poison was the headline of a February 18th editorial in the New York Times. Every time I read something like this – old news passed off as a new discovery – I want to scream a little bit. Massive amounts of [...]

Stalkerazzi Laws May Get Some Teeth

February 13th, 2008

After the taxpayers of Los Angeles shelled out $25,000 in expenses to protect the public and a young celebrity during her recent trip to a hospital, L.A. Councilman Dennis Zine proposed a new “buffer zone” law that will effect the most rabid of paparazzi — namely those who gather in large swarms, blazing flashbulbs within [...]

The Sky is Falling. Therefore it Must Be.

February 9th, 2008

The other day, not for the first time, someone totally surprised me. It’s not unusual for me to be caught off guard or taken aback – I am almost perpetually naive in some ways, especially when it comes to matters of friendship. I always think that friends are forever, even if you don’t [...]

A Radical Notion: Children Come First, Period.

February 7th, 2008

She had a felony arrest for child neglect last July, but the Department of Childrens Services was not monitoring Latasha Morris, or checking up on her children. In between December 2007 and January 2008, Morris was arrested four times. On February 6th, Morris, a chronic alcoholic and drug user, passed out on top [...]