Archive for February, 2008

Whose Votes Count?

February 15th, 2008

I hate politics. Yes, I know I write about the subject frequently, but it’s out of desperation, not love. Truly, I was happier back in the Bill Clinton years, when I had health insurance, the cost of living was decent, housing was affordable, jobs were plentiful, and I gave much less thought to what [...]

I Breathe. I Write. I Deliver Mail.

February 13th, 2008

“Jane,what do you do for a living?” This question comes up often in letters received from readers of this blog, and while my favorite answer is “breathe”, most people don’t find that satisfactory. They want to know what company I work for, what college I teach at, or how I became so independently [...]

The Zipless Election

February 13th, 2008

Thank you, Erica Jong. Thank you, Huffington Post, for publishing this brilliant essay.
Also found on HP was this article by Joseph Wilson, who shares my concern that America is choosing lofty idealism over substance and practicality.

Stalkerazzi Laws May Get Some Teeth

February 13th, 2008

After the taxpayers of Los Angeles shelled out $25,000 in expenses to protect the public and a young celebrity during her recent trip to a hospital, L.A. Councilman Dennis Zine proposed a new “buffer zone” law that will effect the most rabid of paparazzi — namely those who gather in large swarms, blazing flashbulbs within [...]

Right-Wing Endorsement of Clinton is a Scam

February 10th, 2008

Desperate for a strategy and hungry for any news coverage they can get, right-wing talk dogs Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter have tried to grab headlines by seemingly rejecting Republican candidate John McCain in favor of Hillary Clinton.
Their strategy is as simple as it is deceitful. Coulter and Limbaugh are hoping that enough [...]