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Baby Love

Right now, you are one month, seven days old.  You are so tiny that even newborn clothes are too big for you. Your hands get lost in over-long sleeves, and even though I’ve held many babies before, and loved them all,  you feel especially precious to me. I am amazed by how tender I feel [...]

The Problem With You Is. . .

You know what the problem with you is?  You think too much, you’ve got your head in the clouds, you need to come down to earth.  You’re too literal, too much a dreamer, you make poor choices, you’re not as smart as you think you are.  You never learn, when will you ever learn?  You [...]

With Eyes That Watch the World and Can’t Forget

Dear Vincent,
I left off wanting to be the girl under the tree, with wild hair and apricots falling around my feet, the one who scrawls words dangerously, with no consideration of time or consequence.   I also shared my fear of being forever, instead, the draftsgirl.  Carefully engineered, a single life drafted, one side, straight lines, [...]

The House of Glamma & the Art of the Human Canvas

One of the wonders of the human canvas lies in its ability to be customized to reflect an individual’s personality and character. The sensual nature of Cleopatra is expressed through eyes lined in dark kohl. The exotic brand known as Cher came to fame in glittering, belly-baring gowns. Farrah Fawcett capitalized on [...]