Archive for the 'Child Abuse' Category

It’s kind of erotic and freeing, this revolution.

June 1st, 2008

At Sixteen

May 18th, 2008

A Revolution in C-Major

April 15th, 2008

For the last several months, I’ve heard the gospel of “change” preached from pillar to gallows, like a love song to the forlorn and forsaken. I have heard reams of speeches spun with the gold of hope, inspiration and motivation, and a few hundred star-crossed renditions of the American Dream.
The nearly hypnotizing [...]

Poison not Just in the Neglect, but in the Cliches

March 10th, 2008

Poverty is Poison was the headline of a February 18th editorial in the New York Times. Every time I read something like this – old news passed off as a new discovery – I want to scream a little bit. Massive amounts of [...]

How Do You Plead PA, NY?

February 17th, 2008

Once again, a parent who should have never had contact with his children is charged with murder. This crime is particularly heinous in that it was absolutely predictable and preventable. This was not the first time Miguel Matias attempted to kill one or more of his children. Several years ago, he was [...]