In which Linda plays matchmaker

June 11th, 2008

No, no. . .I really am not looking for lust love someone to adopt a child from China with a date on the internet, but in the spirit of fun Linda played shadchen and I played along — the single Ethel to her married Lucy, the gay Rhoda to her straight Mary. She totally cracks me up.

p.s. - no one was really harmed in the making of this video.

25 Responses to “In which Linda plays matchmaker”

  • The funniest part is how tall I appear to be.

  • I think it’s pretty funny that the post is tagged “crime/law.” Is that for the Republicans who DO visit the site?
    And Jane, I must reiterate: NO FIXING!

    Too funny about the tags. I think my program read either “Republican” or “date Jane” and labeled the post on its own. I could fix that, though, because it’s not a person. :-) - Jane

  • I need to get Linda alone in a hotel room … so she can film a matchmaker YouTube for me too! And she must be as assertive about the NO REPUBLICANS in my case as well.

  • Dear Jane,
    What about that girl at the book store?
    Were (are) you too, shy to make a pass?
    You never know though, they might be a ‘Republican,’ LOL.

    But, you know opposites attract.

  • LMAO! Linda is CRAZY! Soooooo funny, but she she shouldn’t be calling you pushy! All them ruleZ about spellin’ an grammar! I’ll have a talk with her.

    Happy hunting :)


  • Oh! My! God!
    This is hilarious!
    First- I love linda’s new hair. it’s good.
    Second- for all potential dates: you must at least read Eats, Shoots and Leaves before even considering a date with Jane.
    Last: I agree with Linda. No changing for anyone involved. “I am what I am” is our universal, gay theme song, remember? NO changing. heheh.

    Next time there is a Minnesota meet-up, I am so there. I WILL find you dread-girl that is +20 years.

  • dam!

    I would have passed the test but I can’t psell

  • Hey Jane! I’m a blogger friend of Linda’s and found you by her website!!! Love the video, love your description of your adventures!

    Hope you get some responses to the matchmaker!!!!

  • OK, Freida has a point about opposites attract: the best sex I’ve had has been with Republican men. Not sure the scientific reasons behind it, though.

    And I think Jake is on to something: Eats, Shoots and Leaves should be required reading for any potential suitor. Now I need to go borrow the book from my daughter…

  • You two are so cute!! Jane, you are so delightful, and I can tell easy going, too. Your friend Linda is a hoot! You two would make a great radio show, the straight married woman and the single gay one.

    Jane, come to my neck of the woods one day! I have a couple of friends who would adore you! And, they have hips! :-)

  • First, you’re way cuter in person I think than in this video. It must have been at a weird angle, but your laugh is there, and it’s how I always think of you. Your smile and laughter always brightens my day on those rare occasions I see you anymore!

    I agree with LBJ too. This was a really cute video. As for pushy though? Um-who is the one that shushes who? :-)

  • Bella, I think we’ve discovered Linda’s fall-back career. ;-)

    Oh my, I got Pammers & Jake on the same post?!? I feel so lucky! And Jake? I think we’ll have a get-together in L.A., especially after Linda’s travel nightmares. And none of us will ever fly US Airways. That’s the pact. How the hell one airline can have two broken planes — the one there and the one back — is mind boggling.

    But Dee, that was Linda’s requirement. ;-) I am flexible! LOL. I’ve never read Eats, Shoots & Leaves. (My blogger-editor Marnie probably has though).

    Gia, nice to meet you, and LBJ I agree — Linda is too funny.

    Aw, Barbara, so sweet, but the double chin really is mine! I’m losing it, though! Down 21 pounds so far — hopefully the chin will come off with the next 20 or so.

    We had a lot of fun together, obviously, and Linda makes me sorry I don’t live in CA anymore.

  • Well … um … did you talk to the dread lock girl? I mean, why not, right?

    Um. . . not so much. Other than to ask if I could put her picture on my blog. She said “anytime”. - Jane

  • great video, fun idea. Hope you find a fun responder, keep us posted.

  • Love it, Jane, and congrats on the diet - er - lifestyle change. When you say you’re going to do something, you really do it, and I think that’s awesome.

  • Go Jane go … This video is so funny and dare I say it? … sweet. Too bad Linda is straight cuz she can finish your sentences for you!

    Love the part about someone not minding that you drink 30 cups of coffee a day … I wanna party with you ladies … what a blast.

  • can i just tell you how much i love the camera angle? and the fine fine hotel artwork on the wall….

    if ya lived in So CAL i’d totally introduce you to the people in my neighborhood, in my neighborhood, in my neeeeighbooorhoood. forgive me, i spend the day with 3 year olds…and then theres my kids
    [insert rimshot]

    linda forgot to mention the importance of music. am i right in that?


  • Doris, I’ll always keep you guys posted, if only so I’ll have someone to laugh with on a Saturday night. :-)

    John, we’ll plan a MN get-together soon, and coffee will definitely be part of the plan!

    Kris, yikes, music. Yes, I love it, as long as it’s not twangy old country or opera.

  • …you might ‘change your tune’ if you heard it live.

    Even though I feel the same, LOL.

  • Jane — I think I have a strong enough feminine side to bring you back to our side. I’m not sure of the “gay and lesbian” protocol. Am I allowed to call you “hot” without getting angry women picketing outside my home?

    There’s that pesky little matter of Neilputzka, and how he’d come between us, Neil. I am afraid it’s hopeless — and, of course, you have no hips. Too funny about the “hot”. I think the word “flash” afterwards is appropos. - Jane

  • You two are really cute!

  • OK, Women! I’m game. I meet all of LINDA’s requirements for a date with Jane, and Oh! so easily, by default, exceed Jane’s. I’ve also read Eats, Shoots, and Leaves (and adored it.) I can spell, which means I exceed the gov’t requirements for my profession (HS Eng. teacher) and I punctuate according to my own rules, but can follow the staid rules that exist only in grammar texts.
    Downside: I live in New Mexico.
    Since you, Jane, aren’t Linda, then a flight here shouldn’t be the harem-scarem life event it is fer yer “little, straight Jewish friend.”

    I WILL NOT move to MN! Don’t even ask.

    My blog will give you a pretty good full frontal view of me and what I’m up to of late.
    (Common Every Day Name tba upon request–by Jane only)

  • One more requirement for a date for Jane. My friend Jane is brilliant, fun, loves to laugh, very compassionate and quite an activist. I believe her match should be an easy going lady maybe not so “type A” that can agree to disagree. And of course. Must love dogs. Best of luck in your endeavor!

  • Oops, that was two. Actually three.

  • Wow, now I regret being a straight, married, tea drinker.

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