Passionate Women Series

Linda spent the first several years of her life being nearly silent–she hardly spoke to anyone. When she entered kindergarten, Linda would not talk, but she would draw and paint . . .and her teachers did not know how to “fix” her vivid, emotional art. Linda has since come out of her shell, all the [...]

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“Nothing in my past had prepared me to start and run a business, much less one that made money. Iā€™m what The New York Times once referred to in an article as an accidental entrepreneur.ā€ — Nikki Hardin, Founder and Editor of Skirt! magazine. If the Brothers Grimm were still around, they would write the [...]

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In 1968, a teenage girl in California, a middle child from a family of nine, had a daughter. She named her Tammy, after a popular song called “Tammy’s in Love”. Tammy Teller grew up in a working class neighborhood, with a family prone to fist fighting in bars, and not inclined towards academics or corporate [...]

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This is part two of a series on Women & Passion. You can read the introduction here. “She has a way of writing songs for anyone who has ever been at the short end of the stick and turning it into a victory. Lyrically, her details are very poetic and brave. Most songwriters hide behind [...]

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Women & Passion: A Series of Profiles

by Jane Devin on 08/04/2008

Passion, it lies in us, sleeping, waiting, and though often unbidden, it will stir ā€“ open its jaws and howl…Passion is the source of our finest moments. The joy of love, the clarity of hatred, and the ecstasy of grief. It hurts sometimes more than we can bear. If we could live without passion maybe [...]

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