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Baby Love

Right now, you are one month, seven days old.  You are so tiny that even newborn clothes are too big for you. Your hands get lost in over-long sleeves, and even though I’ve held many babies before, and loved them all,  you feel especially precious to me. I am amazed by how tender I feel [...]


I am alone, and in so many ways I’m grateful for solitude, and for being able to embrace my nature, which needs to retreat on the waves more often than it needs the solidity of an anchor.

She Anchored Me

When she was born, something happened to my heart. It expanded beyond its secluded place in my chest, and became a fast growing vine that wrapped itself around her and lifted us both toward the sun. I knew, from the moment I held her in my arms, that there was nothing I wouldn’t do [...]

Now that it’s legal, and I have grown up, I think…maybe. Someday.

They hang in my closet as a reminder, a small torment, and something of a life jacket. I wore them when I last fell in love, hard and with almost reckless abandon, several years ago.
There was something about this particular pair of jeans that made me feel less humanly flawed and more invincible. [...]